Bat Removal Fort Wayne | Fort Wayne Bat Control & Wildlife Removal

Bat Removal Fort Wayne - Varment Guard Wildlife Services
13070 Silk Tree Trail
Fort Wayne, IN 46814
(260) 214-8300

Fort Wayne Bat Removal - Dangers Of Bats In The Attic

The majority of individuals lack knowledge regarding bat removal. They are also ignorant of the numerous health hazards and harm that a bat infestation can bring about. The best course of action if your home is a haven for bats to live in is to call Bat Removal Fort Wayne or your local wildlife removal and control which can safely and totally remove the problem from your home. If you attempt to accomplish this on your own, there is a high likelihood that you will suffer an injury, your home will sustain damage, and the bat problem will not be permanently solved.

In the attic area of a home, bats like to hide or even live. This only applies to residences in regions like Fort Wayne, Indiana with high rates of bat population. The bats will swarm into your attic in their hundreds or perhaps thousands after they have discovered a new home. After a while, it will be difficult to miss this since, if you walk up there, they will disperse, or you will frequently observe bats flying around your home at night. Your ceiling will begin to slump, which is another obvious problem that something is wrong. This sagging is brought on by bat excrement, which is not only repulsive but also seriously hazardous to human health when inhaled.

Wildlife Removal Health Dangers

Because bats can carry rabies and a few other diseases, many people don't like them loitering about their homes and wish to get rid of them. Although it is uncommon to hear of bat attacks, rabies and other diseases can occasionally be transmitted to you if a bat bites you. Histoplasmosis, a lung infection, can be brought on by breathing in their feces, known as guano. It is also uncommon to find a bat with rabies because less than 1% of bats carry the disease, but you should be aware that they could. There are several places like in Fort Wayne, Indiana where it is against the law to kill bats in way to get rid of them. Because they consume insects, bats are frequently an essential component of your ecology. Contact Bat Removal Fort Wayne to handle the way if you have a bat infestation for the greatest results.

Due to the knowledge and safety concerns involved with bat removal, this is advised. They are adept at locating the spots where they spend the day in hiding. Finding out how the bats are getting into and out of the building can be difficult if the infestation is in an old, abandoned building. It can be risky to have to personally remove the bats.

Fort Wayne Indiana Bat Removal Process

A bat infestation carries several significant health risks. The most frequent source of rabies, which always results in death in untreated human victims, is bats. Furthermore, histoplasmosis, which can cause serious illness in the very young, very old, and immune-compromised, can be brought on by inhaling droppings. Therefore, how does Bat Removal Fort Wayne remove bats?

Bat Inspection

If a bat is flying around your home, it is pretty simple to identify it; however, if you see one bat, there are probably many living in the attic, walls, or roof. It can be very difficult to find them because they prefer to sleep in confined spaces and even below insulation. It is usually advisable to hire a certified Fort Wayne Bat Removal professional to remove bats from your home due to the difficulty in identifying bats and the health risks involved with doing so.

Bat Removal and Guano Cleanup

Ideally, you should get rid of all dead bats and bat poop in addition to live bats from your home or place of business. This can be a very difficult task. Bats can be quite small, frequently fitting through a hole no bigger than a dime, and their carcasses can be difficult to find. The death of the bat pups in your building and continued risk to your health are likely risks of removing bats during the maternity season. Find out the ideal time of year to exterminate bats from your building by getting in touch with a wildlife removal and control professional. In fact, if you want a bat removed, you should hire Bat Removal Fort Wayne.

Bat Exclusion

By looking for bat poop, you should try to find points of entry. Bats frequently enter homes through cracks and holes in masonry, loose flashing or siding, broken or poorly fitting screens, loose shingles or roof tiles, and pipe entry points. Make sure to close off each of these entry points. Additionally, there are several prevention strategies to move outdoor bats to move your building. You can prevent bats from building a nest by placing a cup of mothballs in a sack and tying it to the area. However, since bats frequently visit previous nesting locations, you'll probably need to replace the mothballs on a regular basis. Additionally, during the day when bats are not present, roosting places can be sprayed with aerosol dog or cat repellent.

Bat Removal Fort Wayne Services

Bat Removal Fort Wayne

Bat Removal 

Bat Exclusion Fort Wayne

Bat Exclusion

Bat Waste & Guano Cleanup Fort Wayne

Guano Cleanup

Bat Damage Repair & Restoration Fort Wayne

Bat Damage Repair

Hiring Professional Bat Removal Services In Fort Wayne, IN

A reputable bat removal and control company would happily provide recommendations or testimonials if you ask for them. You can also ask about the company background in the wildlife control field, but bear in mind that pest control and wildlife control are two whole different things.

If you have strong opinions about the issue, ask the local bat removal service regarding what the state's regulations are about the particular nuisance animal. Consumers can research state regulations online, and your local bat removal service should be ready to explain the regulation with confidence.

Avoid Bat Removal and Wildlife Control companies that want full payment up front. Most bat removal and exclusion companies will ask half of the payment in advance and the remaining half once the job is finished. They should also have a written contract for the service they will provide. This protects both their company and you as a customer. 

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Bats undoubtedly play a significant part in our ecology because they may consume thousands of insects, including mosquitoes, in a single night. However, if they nest in structures or come into contact with people, they could be harmful and cause damage. Bats frequently live in the walls, attics, or spaces between a building's roof and ceiling in both residential and commercial buildings. More importantly, not only do their feces and the remains of deceased bats generate an unpleasant odor, but they can also pollute buildings and heating systems. If left to their own ways, bats may swiftly and fully invade tight places in a home or company, making their eradication much more challenging. They can live in colonies that number anything from one to several hundred. A bat colony will really double in size every year, and they frequently use the same roosting locations.

Even so, it can be quite challenging to get rid of and prevent bats from roosting or nesting on your property. To guarantee that bats are removed successfully and permanently, it is usually advisable to obtain professional help. Bat Removal Fort Wayne can help if you suspect bats living in your attic, we offer bat removal, waste clean-up, bat damage repair and more.


Varment Guard Wildlife Services
13070 Silk Tree Trail
Fort Wayne, IN 46814

Phone: (260) 214-8300

  • Bat Removal
  • Bat Exclusion
  • Guano Cleanup
  • Bat Damage Repair

Store Open:

Monday: 06:30 am - 06:00 pm
Tuesday: 06:30 am - 06:00 pm
Wednesday: 06:30 am - 06:00 pm
Thursday: 06:30 am - 06:00 pm
Friday: 06:30 am - 06:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed